LARP Contributions
to PAC09*
(Listed alphabetically by first
- Invited Orals
- W. Fischer, "LHC Beam-Beam Compensation Studies at RHIC"
1184, Paper TU4HBI01)
- G. Sabbi, "Nb3Sn Magnets for the LHC Upgrade" (abstract
Paper TU1HAI04)
- J.-L. Vay, "Application of the Reduction of Scale Range
in a Lorentz Boosted Frame
to the Numerical Simulation of Particle Acceleration Devices" (abstract
- Contributed Orals
- R. Calaga, et
al, "Status of LHC crab cavity beam studies &
simulations" (abstract
- Y. Luo, "Weak-strong simulation of head-on beam-beam
compensation in the RHIC" (abstract
- N.
Mokhov, et al,
"Crystal Collimation Studies at the Tevatron (T-980)" (abstract
- Y. Papaphilippou, et al, "Orbit,
Optics and Chromaticity Correction for PS2 Negative Momentum Compaction
Lattices" (abstract
- Posters
- B.
Hall, at al, "Novel geometries for the LHC Crab Cavity" (abstract
- R.
Calaga, et al,
"Transverse impedance localization using intensity dependent optics"
- R.
Calaga, et al,
"LHC crab cavity cryostat and infrastructure" (abstract
- S.
Caspi, et al,
"Design and Construction of a 15 T, 120 mm bore IR Quadrupole Magnet
for LARP" (abstract
- A.I.
N.V. Mokhov, S.I. Striganov, "Beam Losses and Background Loads on
Collider Detectors Due to Beam-Gas Interactions in the LHC" (abstract
- J.
Fox, et al,
"Feedback Techniques and SPS Ecloud Instabilities - Design Estimates"
- E.
Gianfelice-Wendt, et al,
"LHC abort gap cleaning with the transverse damper" (abstract
- A.
Kabel and D. Yershov, "Using Commodity Graphic Processing Units (GPUs)
for High-Speed Storage Ring Simulations" (abstract
- A.
Kabel, "Simulation of Compensation Mechanisms for Head-On and Parasitic
Beam-Beam Collisions at LHC" (abstract
- V.
Kamerdzhiev, et al, "Recent Experience with Electron Lens Beam-Beam
Compensation at the Tevatron" (abstract
- V.
Kashikin, et al,
"Operating Margin of Large-Aperture Nb3Sn
IR Quadrupoles with Respect to Radiation Heat Depositions" (abstract
- H.J.
Kim and T. Sen, "Simulations of long-range beam-beam compensation in
LHC" (ID 1772)
- H.J.
Kim and T. Sen, "Study of electron lens in RHIC" (abstract
- H.J.
Kim and T. Sen, "Characteristics of beam diffusion and its application
to hadron colliders" (abstract
- M.
Koratzinos, et al, "A Method to Detect Faulty Splices in the
Superconducting Magnet System of the LHC" (abstract
- G.
Kotzian, et al,
"Ringing in the pulse response of long and wideband
coaxial transmission lines due to group delay dispersion" (abstract
- Z.
Li and L. Xiao,
"Compact Alternative Crab Cavity Design At
400-Mhz for the LHC Upgrade" (abstract
- T.
Mastorides, et al,
"Application of Non-Linear Time-Domain RF Simulations to Longitudinal
Emittance Studies for the LHC" (abstract
- Y. Papaphilippou,
et al,
"Linear Optics Design of Negative Momentum Compaction Lattices for PS2"
- J.
Qiang, "3D strong-strong simulations of wire compensation of long-range
beam-beam effects at LHC" (abstract 1603)
- J.
Qiang, "Strong-Strong Beam-Beam Simulation of Crab Cavity Compensation
at LHC" (abstract 2013)
- A.
Ratti, et al,
"Test results of the luminosity monitors for the LHC" (abstract 3885)
- G.
Robert-Demolaize, A. Drees, and S. Peggs, "Pattern recognition of the
multi-turn 6D motion of halo particles through a bent Si crystal" (abstract 2937)
- B.
Salvant, et al,
"Analysis of the Transverse SPS Beam Coupling Impedance with Short and
Long Bunches" (abstract 2167)
- J.C.
Smith, et al,
"Prospects for Integrating a Hollow Electron Lens into the LHC
Collimation System" (abstract 2326)
- J.C.
Smith, et al,
"Recent Progress on the Design of a Rotatable Copper Collimator for the
LHC Collimation Upgrade" (abstract 2328)
- A.
Valishev and V. Shiltsev, "Electron Lens for Beam-Beam Compensation at
LHC" (abstract 2985)
- D.
Van Winkle, "Feedback Configuration Tools for LHC Low Level RF System"
(abstract 2475)
- J.-L.
Vay, "Update on Electron-Cloud Simulations using the Package
WARP-POSINS" (abstract 3649)
- J.-L.
Vay, "Simulation of a Feedback System for the Attenuation of E-Cloud
Driven Instability" (abstract 3651)
- L.
Xiao, et al,
"Trapped Mode Study in the LHC Rotatable Collimator" (abstract 3516)
- L.
Xiao, et al,
"800MHz LHC Crab Cavity Conceptual Design" (abstract 3517)
* Inludes contributions related to LARP projects in which at least one
author is a LARP member.
Last modified March 26,
2009 by Eric Prebys